Online Safe Riding Training
We want to thank you for taking a look at SafeRideEveryRide “it starts with you”. A safety video and information for recreational horseback rides, trail rides, a private ride, riding stables or an outfitter. We concentrate on the basics with educating the beginners and to re-school the riders who don’t ride reqularly. Our philosophy is that all riders should be taught the bascis, it starts on the ground such as the Link: Rules of Engagement. A business that trys to instill awareness, confidence, and courage among clients. That gives them potential freedom to the most joy and fulfillment when riding a horse.
The purpose of SafeRideEveryRide “it starts with you” is to further promote the valued association of the operator, the client, and the horse. We have attempted to offer you a system based on knowledge(safety orientation & content) that will ultimately result in the greatest safety for the horse and rider while maintaining the element of adventure. We will continue to look for a better way, and the best suggestions often come from you. We welcome your input and your recommendations. There is a formula for a successful riding experience “its starts with you,” commucation, education, healthy & quality of livestock, experienced guides and a company who cares. You should take a look at our link: How to choose a trail ride or recreational horseback ride.
We want to thank you for your confidence and your business.
Mission Statement: To love and respect horses, and to give merit for the joy they bring to our lives and those around us.
There is enough good to go around.
–Horses lend us wings we lack-